Friday, September 18, 2015

I cannot stand the excellent sheep.

The excellent sheep that bleat their own praises as they trot obediently behind the shepherd,
Following blindly into pastures with no end in sight.

Eager to be gathered,
eager to have the wool pulled over their eyes,
as they forget to follow not the shepherd, but their hearts.

We forget that we are discontent.
We are wild, restless, unruly, and discontent.
We are our thoughts and dreams and passions that drive us to achieve more.
We are the incredible potential that lies in our talents and wisdom and enthusiasm,
That we put on hold for empty promises of time and fortune and fame.

But I say take a risk,
Run the other way,
Find the unpaved path traveled by few.

What is the sense in finding your purpose by running away from your purpose?
Find what pulls at your heartstrings,
Find what needs fixing,
And run.

1 comment:

  1. who is the shepherd? or maybe the excellent sheep think they're following the shepherd or something worth following when in reality, they're following the crowd. All the sheep are lost, but are delusioned into believing they are trotting the superior path, surrounded by like minded sheep, never stopping to think, never stopping to question.

    Love the picture you're painting (:
    Although idk about encouraging helpless sheep to wander off, away from the protection of the shepherd, into the mouths of wolves and other predators.

    Maybe starting off with the sheep and then transitioning to: we are not sheep, why do we strive so hard towards things, without stopping to think, without stopping to question, comforted by the bleating of those around us, assured in our path towards something we may not actually want.

    & then your encouragement (:
